Apr 13, 2015

Why write about Hell?

If nothing else, can we agree that this is a pretty awesome wallpaper? I mean, look at it. It's a ghost ship from hell sailing toward a lava waterfall. Maybe there's pirates. I don't know...

I've heard through the grapevine and been approached by a few people this week who are concerned about my views on hell and where they are headed. So far it has been based in confusion and misunderstanding so I thought it would be good to remind everyone why I'm writing about this subject in the first place. Here is an excerpt from my first post on it:
I've been thinking about this subject on and off for over two years and have decided start writing and dialoguing on it. There are a few reasons for this, but I suppose the biggest reason is because there is a lot of fear and misinformation surrounding the subject. I want to be fair, clear, and help bring a charitable dialogue for those who have, are, and will ask questions about it. You can leave a comment, send me a message, or speak to me in person. I am aware that for many this subject is sensitive. For others it's quite controversial.
You can read the entire post here: The First Post on the Last Judgement

I've thought about this.... a lot. I've studied most of the relevant verses in the Bible and read plenty of the books written on the subject. I've searched the web and listened to hours of podcasts. And after doing all of this I'm convinced that one of the biggest problems on this subject is misinformation and misrepresentation. I think the church needs to have a conversation about hell and the vast majority have not yet had it in an open and honest way that takes the challenge of conditionalism and/or universalism seriously or examines the relevant texts from all angles. It simply doesn't happen.

What I'm attempting to do is present all three views clearly, fairly, and without bias. I completely understand why some would get confused and think that I am endorsing a particular view. But please don't misunderstand where I'm coming from. It should read as if I hold whatever view I'm writing about on any post you read because I've taken the time to understand that perspective and to present it fairly and accurately.

I trust that most readers have understood this and hope that this post has clarified any confusion. If not, There are plenty of ways to contact me. Feel free to leave a comment below. Tweet me @jm_schroeder or email me: jasonschroeder@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a needed conversation. We all love to quote John 3:16 and yet we are pretty fuzzy on what we are saved from.
    It's a weird situation combining lack of clarity with strongly held positions.
