Apr 9, 2015

My Trip to Rethink Hell

I've launched an Indigogo campaign and here's why:

The Opportunity

For over two years I've been studying all about the nature of Hell and Final Punishment. Lately, I've been blogging a lot about it and there has been great support and interest from friends, colleagues, and abroad.

Recently, I was approached by a member of rethinkinghell.com to join their Facebook group because he had found my blog and enjoyed it. Within minutes of joining, another member offered to pay my fee for their upcoming conference if I could make it. I am honoured to have this recognition and endorsement and want to accept the offer.

As far as I know, this conference is unprecedented in the history of the church. The theme is 'Conditional Immortality and the Challenge of Universal Salvation.' It will be held at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena California June 18-20 and include speakers from each of the three major views on hell.

The goal is to raise $500 CAD to cover the cost of my flight and accommodation. In return, I will be writing blog posts about each plenary session, breakout session, and the conference as a whole. It is an amazing opportunity and I hope you can contribute to help me get there.

The Blog and The Book

As many of you know, I have been blogging a lot about the subject and plan to continue to do so. But what you may not realize is how far reaching my blog actually is. Although my primary readership is from Canada and the USA, in last month I have had readers from the UK, Russia, France, and Mexico as well as occasional hits from Malaysia, Australia, Indonesia, and India. By blogging about the conference many people will have access and feedback they may not otherwise have had.

What I also hope to achieve in attending this conference is to find inspiration, further material, and networking for the book I plan to write and have published on the nature of hell. The working title is 'Hell and Ice Cream: The Current Flavours of the Last Judgement." The theme and tone will be light and disarming to help readers engage the difficult and often controversial subject. My plan is to present the topic and all three views clearly, without rebuttal, and with as little bias as possible. Meeting key thinkers, writers, and speakers on the subject is invaluable in accomplishing my goal of getting this book printed and in your hands.

Your Support and Your Help

Any financial contribution you can make is appreciated, but I can also use help getting the word out. Send emails, tweet, share on Facebook, and more using this link:


Thank you so much for your support and for taking the time to read about this campaign.

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