Mar 13, 2014

Why I'm blogging about the views of Creation.

I've had a few people challenge me on my blogging of late (as well as lot's of encouragement). I very much welcome this and appreciate it. If nothing else, it keeps me questioning my purpose for writing and lets me know someone is reading. After a recent post one reader seemed to get the impression that I was aghast that anyone would hold to a Young Earth Creationist position and implied/concluded that I basically haven't gotten my fingers dirty and tired to understand that viewpoint. I don't think this was a fair read of the post I had written since it was stating that I don't think Genesis 1 requires that we must hold to a literal six 24hr day young earth creationism. Not only that, but I have come away from that viewpoint after holding it as long as I can remember and it took me a long time to do so after a lot of studying (and after spending a lot on books!). Even after I changed my mind on the matter I was still very cautious about who I would would speak to about it. And why was I cautious? What was the reason for not wanting to reveal that I thought the earth was old? Fear. And I'm not alone. Tomorrow's post will address this major problem in the North American church in more depth. For now I'd like to leave you with a summary of why I'm blogging about this subject.

In short, what I am attempting to do is demonstrate the diversity of other Christian perspectives on the issue demonstrating that they are reasonable and take the bible just as seriously as young earth creationists. I want to share some thoughts on the subject and point people to other posts and resources aside from myself. The whole series of posts on an old earth is in response to the debate between Bill Nye and Ken Ham and the media attention it garnered. I am tired of some Creationists like Ham who give the impression that their view is the Christian view and I'm tired of the media perpetuating it. I decided after the debate and it's aftermath to be very public about my view of an old earth so that other Christians who also hold such a view would not feel ostracized, shamed, leave the church, live in fear, etc. I want to help equip others to understand one another and be able to articulate their beliefs well and remain part of the church. I'm looking to make peace and create space for diversity of opinion including those such as Ken Ham.

1 comment:

  1. Matthew Delblanc3/13/2014

    Hey Jay. I've been really enjoying these posts and will continue to follow along. Blessings
