Mar 12, 2014

Who holds what view on creation?

I was recently asked what I thought the percentage of people was who believed in a young earth. I was just guessing from memory of a survey I had read a few months ago, but thought I should dig up the data and put it up in a blog post. Here is some colorfully arranged data and links to their sources if you care to dig further. Unfortunately, I could only find information on the question of evolution, which, believe it or not, I have barely mentioned haven't discussed yet. The question of whether the earth or universe is old is much more basic and I think there are a lot of people who hold to an old earth even if they believe in a more recent unique creation of human beings in the last 10,000 years. I'll keep digging to find that information and post it if I do. For now, take a look at some fairly recent surveys:

The original chart is here and has some reflections on the data. It is based on a Barna study from 2012.

This one I found here. It is based on the same study.

The one below is not clergy specific:

This one, with more stats, can be found here.
However, this writer doesn't see the issue as divided as it seems and I agree. It is not an either/or. There are a plethora of views and approaches to the subject. Researchers, analysts, theologians, and teachers not only have diverse opinions, but also categorize differently.

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