Sep 17, 2012

Group 'C' and the 3rd 'J'

If you are at all familiar with the discussions on defining the gospel over the last few years, you'll know that it can often be polarizing and the two groups usually pitted against one another are labelled group 'A' and group 'B'.

Group 'A' are the ones who define the gospel of salvation; forgiveness of sin, getting right with God, being 'born again', or avoiding hell to 'get to heaven when you die'. That sort of thing. Think Billy Graham.

Group 'B' are the ones who define the gospel of the kingdom; justice, feeding the hungry, making the sick well, cancelling 3rd world debt, providing equality and clean drinking water for all. That sort of thing. Think Bono.

Classically, both accuse one another of ignoring their 'camp'. What are we to do with this? Both use important biblical points and concepts. Some (especially the Gospel Coalition - get used to me bringing them up) suggest group 'A' is essentially right (or at least more important) and that the values of 'B' naturally flow from following the 'A' version of the gospel. I'm skeptical of this since it doesn't happen as widespread as it ought to. However, I don't deny that it does happen with many who hold that view. I haven't heard enough from group 'B' in this discussion so I can't comment on their take, but I would think many of them would not deny 'A' values.

I think the answer is actually in group 'C' which is why I've started this blog in the first place. I believe this group is growing all the time or that people are cautiously drifting over to it. Some of my friends and acquaintances are struggling to get their head around it as I have since February this year! Essentially it involves getting back to Scripture and looking at how it defines the gospel, which changes everything. I'm not saying it's all sorted out, but the 'A' and 'B' camps talk past one another and the supposed mediators often ignore the whole of what Scripture says. I'll post on that one tomorrow.

One way to help grasp the essence of this group 'C' is how we frame the gospel and what we say the heart of it is. And yes, I do think it is a real group and largely unified at that. I found an old post by Scot McKnight (I known it's a lot from him early on, but he's written a lot of online posts on this and I think he's nailed it pretty well). He says there are three 'J' ways to frame the gospel: Justification, Justice, or Jesus. You can read it here.

Any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. Hey, so I've read a few of your posts now... this one was really interesting! I'm interested to see where you go with this train of thought. :)
